As a related free service to business owners, we also post job vacancies. If you own a business in Mindanao and would like to list job vacancies in, send us an email via our contact page here or email us at
To get a job vacancy listed, please provide the following details where applicable:
- Name of company
- Available position
- Duration of position availability
*This is a must, so job seekers know when applications are no longer accepted - Qualifications
- Responsibilities of position
- Requirements for application
- How to apply
- Other notes or important information
We only allow one job vacancy page per company. This may be updated as new vacancies open.
To ensure the safety and protection of all website users from bogus business entities, we reserve the right to decline requests to post job vacancies for whatever reason we deem legitimate.
Your job post is more likely to get listed if you provide verifiable evidence. This includes, but is not limited to: company phone or email addresses published elsewhere online such as in social accounts or company owned web pages. Having active and long standing social media accounts is also ideal.
For more information about our terms and conditions, visit our Terms of Use page.